July 2021 Minutes

Date/Time: Monday 12th July 2021

Location: Village Hall, Lincoln Road, Fulbeck.

Present: Mr S Caunt (Chairman); Ms A Sampson (Vice Chair); Mr G Greenhalgh; Mr D Morrison; Ms J Hodcroft; Mr J Fane;  Mr P Hughes.

In Attendance: District Councillor Penny Milnes; County Councillor Alexandra Maughan; Mrs K Elson, Clerk (via whatsapp video call  due to a virus), 6 members of the public present. 

Absent: None

1. Chairperson’s welcoming remarks. 

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Chairman explained that the clerk had a virus and in the current situation, thought it was best to attend via video call.

2. Adjournment of business for public questions and comments.

Tree Preservation Orders: A member of the public felt that in 2014 this was discussed in detail, why were the trees up for consideration now not discussed in 2014. The member of the public is having a tree survey done on the trees on South Heath Lane and the results are imminent. They asked if the Parish Council could let the process/application take place before the council considers TPO’s for trees. The member of the public would expect the Parish Council to follow the proper procedures for placing Tree Preservation Orders on Trees.

The member of the public raised concerns about inconsistencies between correspondence and was concerned about the parish council's transparency.


Litter Picker: Another member of the public questioned when the litter picker position was advertised and who pays for it? 

Cllr Morrison responded that the litter picker has been working for 14 years. All pay is given in the financial section of the minutes. 


Village newsletter: The editor of the newsletter stated that the village newsletter was an independent group and all pieces are discussed and approved before they go into the newsletter. There is a summary of the PC meeting that is published in the newsletter, this is independent and not the meeting minutes.

3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.

Cllr Julian Fane declared an interest in planning application S21/0496 and S21/0497.

4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Tuesday 4th May, 2021.

It was proposed by Cllr Morrison, seconded by Cllr Greenhalgh and therefore RESOLVED to adopt the minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday 4th May.

5. Financial Matters.

    a. Financial Report

     The clerk had emailed the financial report to all Parish Councillors before the meeting.​​

     b. Accounts For Payment.

Invoice Cheque Total
30/04/21 bdg Mowers - April cut £148
31/05/21 bdg Mowers - May cut £172
02/06/21 Community Heartbeat £120
07/06/21 Proludic - repair part for girospiral £145.53
16/06/21  metal support plate - Playground repair (P.Hughs) £40
04/06/21 Wickstead - playground repair (P.Hughs) £59.29
Litter Picker - May/June Invoice £154.50
30/06/21 bdg Mowers - June cut £148
Total Invoices to be paid: £987.02

​​​​​        c. Payments made.

1/6/21 - Clerks Salary May £190.24
30/06/21 - Clerk Salary June £196.01
Total Expenditure for May/June £1373.27

        d. Payments Receeived

1/04/21 - Precept £9000
11/05/21 - Community Cleaner £231.66
Total: £9231.66

During the financial section, Cllr Fane raised concerns over the amount that Fulbeck Parish Council has in reserve. Cllr Fane believes that there is too much money being held in reserve and would like this to be addressed and resolved at the next budget/precept meeting.

6. Planning Matters

Planning applications received:

  • S21/0603 - S73 application to ref: S19/1251 approval of 1 dwelling, to Include external window / door repositioning; rear and side elevations. Addition of double carport. Additional accommodation on second floor (within loft). Addition of 2 no. new velux style rooflights to rear elevation. Location: The Grange , Lincoln Road, Fulbeck, NG32 3JN.

  • S21/0496 - Proposed change of use of paddock (Partial) to extend the existing car parking for 15 additional cars and erection of a temporary marquee structure to provide additional outdoor covers for the Tea Rooms, and catering. Manor Stables , Lincoln Road, Fulbeck, NG32 3J. Location: Manor Stables , Lincoln Road, Fulbeck, NG32 3JN. No objections by the parish council.

  • S21/0497 - Listed building consent for the erection of a temporary marquee structure to provide additional outdoor covers for the Tea Rooms, and catering. (Associated with Full application S21/0496. Location: Manor Stables , Lincoln Road, Fulbeck, NG32 3JN. No objections by the parish council.

  • S21/1074 - Proposed single storey rear extension and internal alterations. Location: Brick Cottage , High Street, Fulbeck, NG32 3JT. No objections by the parish council.

  • S21/1133  - T1 - Cypress, To Fell. T2,T3, T4 - Sycamores, Crown lift to approx. 6m and reduce overhanging branches. Location: Fulbeck Hall, Lincoln Road, Fulbeck, Lincolnshire, NG32 3JW. No objections by the parish council.

  • S21/1234 - Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling, detached stable, parking and access. Location: Land At Fulbeck Lowfields , Brant Lane, Fulbeck, NG32 3JD. Comments by 15th July. Council to object to planning application - would like more of an explanation to justify the workers house and reason for 9 parking spaces. The council would like assurances/confirmation that the workers house is used for agricultural workers only.

  • S21/1247 - Works to boundary wall. Location: Walled Garden , North End Lane, Fulbeck, NG32 3JR. Comments by 20th July. No objections by the Council.

Planning Applications Determined:

  • S21/0856 - To Fell - T5147 - Ash and T5160 and 5159 - Sycamore. Location: The Grange, Lincoln Road, Fulbeck, NG32 3JN. Work allowed 27th May 2021

  • S21/0682  - Proposed single storey porch, proposed single storey extension to the north elevation and to form a new opening in the west elevation. Location: Manor Farm House, The Green, Fulbeck, NG32 3JJ. Consent granted for development - 27th May 2021

7. Highway Matters


8. Correspondence.

a. 10/05/21 - LALC - Lincolnshire Environmental Awards 2021.

b. 15/06/21 - Resident - Complaint about someone cutting other people's verges of grass/wildflowers in the village. 

Action: Parish council will look into this further.

c. 15/06/21 - SKDC - The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons, 2nd June 2022.

Action: Village newsletter secretary to look into this. An article will be put in the next newsletter to see if anyone in the village will be interested in organising the event.

d. 16/06/21 - Resident - Would the Parish Council mind if he cut down a tree that has died on North End Green?

Action: Parish Council cannot approve this. 

e. 18/06/21 - Resident - State of the Green on Church View, how often are the village greens cut? Why are the cuttings left on top to rot?  Could the parish council not pay someone a little more to strim properly around the edges, around the stone cross and next to the churchyard walls and to remove the cuttings.

Action: Chairman has strimmed around the bench. 

f. 21/06/21 - Landowner - Complaint about lack of transparency at the way Parish Council business is conducted and that relevant correspondence is not available to the public. Request to View Fulbeck Parish Council's Standing Orders.

Action: FPC Standing Orders sent to Landowner

g. 21/06/21 - Landowner - Complaint about error in draft AGM minutes. Request for the parish council to include the Oak tree on the entrance to the village from Brant Road (by the Beck), to the list of trees under consideration for a Tree Preservation Order.

Action: Error corrected in draft minutes, paris council to consider the tree under item 15.

h. 28/06/21 - Landowner - Complaint about the Parish Councils procedures for considering trees for TPO’ s .

Action: Clerk advised that there will be a 15 minute public session at the beginning of the parish council meeting, where they can have 5 minutes to raise any concerns.

i. 30/06/21 - Nk Talkplanning - Preparation of new Local Plan. Consultation runs for 8 weeks from 30 June to 24 August 2021.

Action: This Local plan applies to NKDC. No action required.

9. To discuss the danger caused by the hedge on the North side and cars parked on the South side, at the bottom of Scotts Hill.

After a little discussion, it was RESOLVED to contact the owner of cars that park in this area and the owner of the hedge. If there is no change as a result of this action, then it becomes a matter for Lincoln County Council. Cllr Sampson, to contact Hedge owner and Clerk to write to two residents about the dangers of parking in this area.

10. To discuss the tipping of rubbish on Pottergate Old Road.

Councillors have consulted with a Lincoln County Council Councillor about the matter, no rubbish on the road at present. No further action at present.

11. To discuss Facebook and the Parish Council.

As Fulbeck Parish Council has an active account on Facebook it was RESOLVED to look at the LALC modal Social Media policy and consider for adoption at the September meeting.

12. To discuss Fulbeck Parish Councils TPO(Tree Preservation Order) Policy.

The council discussed that they will have to have a tree survey from an independant and follow the correct procedures before putting trees forward to SKDC for consideration for a Tree Preservation Order. 

The Parish Council then skipped to item 15. 

It was then RESOLVED that the Parish Council would like to begin the process of placing Tree Preservation Orders on selected trees. 

The Parish Council then voted on which of the trees they would like to put forward for a TPO, on the following list:


  1. 12 Poplar Trees (out of 18), The Poplars, Bulby Lane.

Vote - The council will not put the 12 Poplar trees forward for consideration for a TPO.

  1. Oak Tree on the land adjacent to Little Beck, Bulby Lane.

Vote - The parish council voted to put the oak tree forward for consideration for  a TPO.

  1. Sycamore in the garden of no. 2 South Heath Lane.

Vote - The council will not put the sycamore tree forward for consideration for a TPO.

  1. Oak Tree in the garden of St Helier, South Heath Lane. 

Vote - The council will not put the Oak tree forward for consideration for a TPO.

  1. 6 trees in the field opposite Valley View, South Heath Lane. Mixed Beech and Sycamore.

Vote - The parish council voted to put the 6 trees forward for consideration for TPO’s.

  1. 2 Oak trees in the gardens of Alpha and Lynton.

Vote - The council will not put the 2 Oak trees forward for consideration for a TPO.

  1. Oak tree in field hedge by bridge over beck, at 53 deg 02’.28” N, 0 deg 35’39.28 W

Vote - The parish council voted to put the Oak tree forward for consideration for TPO’s.

14. To discuss whether the Parish Council agrees to place a link on the Parish website to the, ‘Fulbeck and Local and Employment Needs Survey for Fulbeck Parish’.

  It was RESOLVED to put on the agenda for the September meeting.

15. To discuss whether the Parish Council would still like to begin the process of placing Tree Preservation Orders on selected trees in the Village.

a. If so, discuss which trees they would like to put forward to SKDC for consideration for a Tree Preservation Order.

Discussed under point 13.

16. To discuss the repairs to the Parish Laptop

The clerk stated that the Parish Laptop is currently not working and appears to need a new battery. This can be purchased from amazon for £30. The Clerk's husband can fit the battery for a cost of £5 for disposal of the old battery. Alternative is to take to PC world who would charge approx £130 for fitting the battery. Cllr Sampson proposed that the new battery should be fitted by the clerks husband, this was seconded by Cllr Hughes and therefore RESOLVED.

17. District Councillors Report - Update from DC Milnes on outstanding matters.

Cllr Milnes advised Fulbeck Parish Council to begin looking at putting together a neighbourhood plan.

18. County Councillors Report - Update from CC Maughan on outstanding matters.

Please see the attached - LCC Bulletin

19. Village Organisations Report - Village Hall and Playing field committee.

The VH & PF committee has agreed that the car boot sales would recommence starting in July. There were 3 sales left in this years schedule (Jul, Aug and Sep). As the July sale was the first for some 21 months, attendance was down on the usual numbers with some 17 regular stallholders and 5 charity stalls. Attendance will increase as the word gets around that we are open for business again.Income from stalls was £102, the VH stall made £15 , the Village Library stall made a remarkable £76 for the Marie Currie charity and visitors voluntarily contributed a healthy £35.80 to Bob's Bucket in the car park. 

20. Matters for urgent discussion only.

War Memorial - It was discussed that the current person who maintains the war memorial does not want to give it up at the moment, a friend is maintaining it in the meantime. No further action is required.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 21:55