May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Date/Time: Tuesday 4th May 2021, 7.50pm.

Location: Zoom video call.

Present: Mr S Caunt, Chairman; Ms Ann Sampson Vice Chair, Mr D Morison; Mr G Greenhalgh; Ms Jane Hodcroft; Mr J  Fane; Mr P Hughes.

In attendance: District Cllr Penny Milnes; Mrs K Elson, Clerk, 4 members of the public.

Absent: None.

1. Outgoing chairperson’s welcoming remarks.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the AGM by zoom, and hoped that this would be the last meeting to be held by video conference, and looked forward to everything progressing again in the village hall.

2. Election of the Chairperson.

Councillor Greenhalgh nominated Councilor Simon Caunt for Chairperson, this was seconded by Councillor Morrison. Councillor Simon Caunt was therefore re-elected as Chairperson.

3. Election of Vice-Chairperson.

Councillor Caunt nominated Councilor Ann Sampson for Vice Chairperson, this was seconded by Councillor Greenhalgh. Councilor Ann Sampson was therefore re-elected as Vice - Chairperson.

4. Declarations of acceptance of office and Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and other interests.

All disclosable pecuniary and other interests are up to date.

5. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.

Cllr Morrison declared that his wife is the litter picker.

6. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting , held on Monday 8th March, 2021.

After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Sampson, seconded by Cllr Greenhalgh and therefore RESOLVED to sign and adopt the minutes from the previous parish council meeting, held on Monday 8th March, 2021.

7. Clerk's Report.

PC Meeting 8th March, 2021. Item 9.

17th March - Clerk raised purchase order for the bus stop repairs.

Item 11. Correspondence - 5.

9th March - Clerk gave the Parish Councils response to the resident concerned about the conifer trees.

Correspondence - 12. SKDC Flood prevention

25th March - Clerk emailed SKDC to query if individual sand bags are provided - No reply received (2/5/21).

30th April - End of year accounts complete.

                - HMRC end of year complete.

1st May - All accounts/documents handed over to the internal auditor.

The clerk discussed the transfer of yorkshire bank to virgin money. Virgin money will no longer give any response to the clerk to any queries such as; a new bank statement. The Councillors asked the clerk to write a letter to Virgin Money with two signatories, to enable the clerk to receive responses to queries over the accounts.

8. Financial Matters.

The clerk read the financial report: 

Date General Admin Playing Fields Defib Acount Open Spaces Misc
3/31/2020 £14,470.49 £1,513.26 £67    
6/30/2020 £14,024.25 £2,168.74 £87    
9/30/2020 £13,432.48 £2,000.14 (£13)    
12/31/2020 £13,110.58 £2,000.14 (£13)    
7/3/2021 £12,012.99 £2,000.14 £187.00    
3/31/2021 £10,681.97 £2,000.14 £187.00 (£1495.34) £4193.05
Date Yorkshire Bank Account Melton Mobrey Account
12/31/2020 £8,037.25 £10,494.03
7/3/2021 £7373.18 10494.03
3/31/2021 £8873.3 £10567.72

a. Accounts for payment.

Invoice Cheque Total

Simon Caunt parish council meeting Zoom video calls  - 

INV49456104 - Nov’20 meeting

INV54896359 - Dec’ extraordinary meeting.

INV60198471 - Jan ‘21 meeting

INV71155121 - March ‘21 meeting

INV - May APM and AGM

Village clock contribution £690
Litter Picker March, April. £152.85    
Annual donation to the village hall and playing field (2021) £1000
Clerk course - Year end accounts and audit - 8/4/21 - 10.00am to 11.40am £19.21
Quantrills - Bus shelter repairs. £230
Total Invoices to be paid: £2164.01
b. payments made  
Community Heartbeat - Defibrillator Electrodes £88
Clerks salary March/April £404.36
ICO - Annual Direct debit. £35
Total expenditure for March/April £2691.37 + as agreed in point 10, the annual insurance renewal of £349.94 = £3041.31

C. Payments received. None.

9. To discuss whether to change regulation 10.3 of the financial regulations, to limit the requirement of having to obtain three quotes to any purchase order that has the value of £500+.

Cllr Greenhalgh confirmed that this is for £500+ net VAT. It was RESOLVED to change regulation 10.3 of the financial regulations. 

10. To discuss/approve the Came and Co annual insurance renewal from June 2021 to June 2022.

Cllr Greenhalgh stated that we are in the last year of a 3 year contract, and suggested that before the next renewal to review the insurance. It was therefore RESOLVED to approve the annual insurance renewal from June 2021 to June 2022.

11. Planning Matters

Planning applications received.

S21/0697, Applicant: Mr And Ms S A Ashfield Briggs, Location: Ashlea Lincoln Road Fulbeck Lincolnshire NG32 3LG

Type: Householder

S21/0682, Applicant: Mr and Mrs Fane, Location: Manor Farm House The Green Fulbeck NG32 3JJ

Type: Listed Building Consent

S21/0499, Applicant: Mrs Janette Stevenson, Location: 6 New Row Brant Road Fulbeck NG32 3LA

Type: Trees in CA - Section 211 Notice

S21/0491, Applicant: A R Siddans, Location: Barn Farm South Heath Lane Fulbeck NG32 3HX

Type: Prior Notification Part 6 Agriculture

12. Highway matters.

Cllr Caunt has reported to LCC the pot holes on South Heath Lane Hill. Cllr Morison raised the concern about the unsuitable for HGV’s sign for the top of North End Lane, that the parish council asked for about 4 or 5 years ago, the 30 mile an hour marks on the road at either end of the village on the A607 and the Fulbeck signs on South Heath Lane and Brant Road. Cllr Caunt suggested that Cllr Morrison should bring it up at the next parish council meeting when County Councillor Maughan would be present.

13. Correspondence.

1. Date received: 15/03/21. From: Citizens advice South Lincolnshire. Description: Invitation to zoom meeting with the focus of helping alleviate fuel poverty.

Action: Emailed to all cllrs.

2.  Date received: 25/03/21.  From: Lincolnshire voluntary engagement team. Description: Survey to find out local voluntary organisations and how they can help post covid.

Action: Emailed to all cllrs. List of local voluntary organisations needs to be completed.

3. Date received: 08/04/21. From: Resident. Description: Street light to the left of Fulbeck Hall not working. 

Action: Emailed to all cllrs. Cllr Caunt reported to SKDC. Both repaired within 7 - 10 days of contact.

4. Date received: 18/04/21. From: Lincolnshire Lowland Search and Rescue. Description: Request for donation

Action: Emailed to all Cllrs.

5. Date received: 20/04/21. From: Resident. Description: Request for more park equipment for teenagers and query about the missing playpark equipment.

Action: Emailed to all cllrs. 

Emailed to all cllrs.  Cllr Hughes stated that he had identified two parts of the giro spiral that had failed, the bearing and the plate with the round collar which had broken and fingers could get crushed, therefore cllr Hughes had taken the piece of play equipment away as it was dangerous. Cllr Hughes has also obtained a quote from the manufacturer of the giro spiral for the bearings, this was £121.28 and a quote from the manufacturer for the second part for £292.19p, he also obtained a second quote from a local welder to fix the second part (plate with round collar) for up to £50. 

Cllr Hughes also stated that he inspects the play equipment weekly so any issues are quickly spotted.

Cllr Hughes then stated as soon as the parish council gives the approval to go ahead with the quotes he would do so. Once purchase orders have been raised it may take a month until the giro spiral is back in place.

Cllr Hughes finally reported that the four way seat that rotates on a spring had become unstable and fixed the issue. It has happened again and has more movement than he would like and he will remount it and monitor the issue. The shackles on the swings may also need to be replaced in the summer. 

Cllr Greenhalg proposed for the parish council to approve the two quotes given by Cllr Hughes, the first from Preludic for £121.28 and the second for the local welder for £50. Cllr Caunt seconded, it was therefore RESOLVED.

Clerk to respond to resident. Cllr Hughes to raise purchase order.

Clerk to respond to resident. Cllr Hughes to raise purchase order.

6. Date received: 27/04/21. From: Resident. Description: Request for more dog waste disposal bins around the village. Paintwork on the village sign on Lincoln Road. 

Action: Emailed to all Cllrs.  Councillor Caunt will find out the cost of emptying dog bins. For for discussion for the July meeting. Clerk - reply to resident and add to the July agenda.

End of correspondence

14. To discuss whether the Parish Council agrees to a bench being placed on the village hall green, and if so to discuss the design and funding.

Cllr Greenhalgh queried the suitability of the site - it is very near the road and the tree is rather large to place a bench around. It was also stated that the Parish Council cannot contribute this financial year. Cllr Caunt asked if the Parish Council agrees to the siting of a seat on the green?

It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council do not object in principle to a bench being placed on the village green. 

15. To discuss the next steps of placing Tree Preservation Orders on eight trees on South Heath Lane, two Oak trees on Brant Road and one Oak tree plus 13 poplars on Bulby Lane.

Cllr Sampson had received a reply from SKDC, stating that the first stage is to provide the householder team at SKDC, with a map and pictures of the trees being considered for TPO’s. Cllr Sampson and Cllr Morison had provided a map of the trees to the Clerk and all parish Councillors at the meeting. 

Cllr Fane declared an interest as some of the trees are on his daughter's land.

Cllr Milnes advised the parish council that they should have their own arboricultural survey carried out on the trees under consideration for TPO’s, before submitting them to SKDC.

After some discussion it was RESOLVED to discuss in the July meeting (after more research is undertaken), if the Parish Council would still like to place TPO’s on certain trees in the village.

16. To resolve whether to make a donation to LIVES.

It was RESOLVED to donate £100 to LIVES, for this financial year.

17. District Councillors Report - Update from DC Milnes on outstanding matters.

Cllr Milnes reported that SKDC leisure centres are reopening. SKDC are also having face to face meetings again.

18. County Councillors Report - Update from CC Maughan on outstanding matters.

Cllr Maughan has sent his apologies for his absence, and sent the following report:

• Highways  - LCC concluded a successful trial of some new technology in Sleaford, which is now being rolled out county-wide. This is a new JCB Pothole Pro patching machine. The equipment is more efficient, requiring less manual Labour and can carry more material. There are only two in the country, one of which is in Lincolnshire! The new patcher is expected to be in Hough division within the next couple of months. More details can be found at:

• Potholes - when walking round the village over the last few weeks I have reported potholes as I have come across them (Bulby Lane in particular). Please continue to do the same and Highways will order repairs. Response times should be quicker now the winter is behind us. 

The Lincolnshire County Council elections take place on Thursday, as well as the Police & Crime Commissioner elections, with votes being counted on Friday and results declared later that day. You do not need your polling card to go and vote and if you haven’t yet returned your postal vote you can also return this on the day at the polling station. Polls are open 7am - 10pm. Polling stations will be covid secure with social distancing and one way systems.

19. Village Organisations Report - Village Hall and Playing Field Committee.

Nothing further to add, after the APM report.

20. Matters for urgent discussion only.

Cllr Morison stated that FPC had agreed the money for the new parish noticeboard in the precept meeting, and the quote for the new noticeboard would come to approx £300, and would provide the clerk with the details to get a quote. 

A resident stated, that in the March minutes under point 15 that the survey quoted as the ‘Bluestone housing survey’ was the incorrect title for the survey, and it is in fact the  ‘Fulbeck Housing and Local Employment Needs Survey for Fulbeck Parish’.

The resident also requested that they would like the survey to be available to the public from the Fulbeck Parish Website. The Clerk stated that the Parish Councillors would have to discuss and decide this in the July meeting.

Cllr Hodcroft reported that in March her husband had found a bag of rubbish on the side of the road, she took some photographs, collected it and contacted SKDC, who would act on it and the person would get a statutory fine. Since then, there has been a marked reduction in the amount of rubbish on the road, where there had been anything from tyres to tin cans. 

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.31pm