June 2021 Minutes EOM
Date/Time: Monday 21st June, 2021
Location: Village Hall, Fulbeck.
Present: Mr S Caunt, Chairman; Ms Ann Sampson Vice Chair, Mr D Morison; Mr G Greenhalgh; Ms Jane Hodcroft (Arrived late due to technical problems); Mr J Fane; Mr P Hughes.
In Attendance: Kirsty Elson(Clerk), Iain Urkhart (Internal Auditor).
Absent: None
To receive the Annual Internal Audit Report.
Please see https://fulbeck.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/downloads/file/6/internal-audit-2020-21
and https://fulbeck.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/downloads/file/9/internal-audit-report
2. To resolve whether Fulbeck Parish Council meets the requirements to declare itself exempt from the requirement for a limited assurance review, and if so complete and sign the
Certificate of Exemption.
It was proposed by Cllr Sampson, seconded by Cllr Greehalgh and therefore RESOLVED that Fulbeck Parish Council meets the requirements to declare itself exempt.
To complete and approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return Section 1.
The Chairman read through section one, all councillors agreed to the points and the Chairman completed and signed section 1 of the AGAR
To review and approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return Section 2.
The Chairman read and signed section 2, with the approval of the council. The clerk/RFO also signed section 2.
To discuss whether to adopt the Fulbeck Parish Council Financial Regulations 2021, including the change made to regulation 10.3, as discussed in the last Parish Council Meeting (Item 9, AGM Minutes, May 2021).
After a little discussion it was RESOLVED to adopt the 2021 Financial Regulations including the change made to regulation 10.3.