January 2021 Minutes

Date/Time: Monday 11th January 2021, 7:30pm

Location: Zoom meeting

Present: Mr S Caunt, Chairman; Ms Ann Sampson Vice Chair, Mr D Morison; Mr G Greenhalgh; Ms Jane Hodcroft (Arrived late due to technical problems); Mr J  Fane; Mr P Hughes.

In Attendance: County Cllr Alexander Maughan; District Cllr Penny Milnes; Mrs K Elson, Clerk; 8 members of the public.

Absent: None


1. Chairperson’s welcoming remarks

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and said he was looking forward to the day when meetings can once again be held in the village hall.

2. Adjournment of business for public questions and comments.

There were no questions from the public.

3. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. Consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary and/or prejudicial beneficial interests.

There were no declarations of interest.

4. To consider and sign the minutes from the previous Parish Council meeting, held on Monday 2nd November 2020.

It was RESOLVED to sign and adopt the minutes from the previous parish council meeting held on the 2nd November 2020.

5. To consider and sign the minutes from the extraordinary Parish Council Meeting, held on Monday 23rd November 2020.

It was RESOLVED to sign and adopt the minutes from the extraordinary meeting, held on the 23rd November 2020.

6. To consider and sign the minutes from the extraordinary Parish Council Meeting, held on the Monday 14th December 2020.

It was RESOLVED to sign and adopt the minutes from the extraordinary meeting, held on the 14th December 2020.

7. Clerks Report.

Please see Clerks report.

8. Financial Matters. 

The clerk reported the following balances:

Date General Admin Playing Fields Defib Account
31/12/20 £13,110.58 £2,000.14 -(£13)

To ensure enough funds are in the Defib budget, it was RESOLVED to move £200 into the defib budget each financial year.

Yorkshire Bank Balance: £8037.25

Melton Mowbray Building Society Balance: £10494.03

Accounts for payment:

Invoice Cheque Total
BGD Mowing - October £162
Clerk - Office Supplies, printing(ink) 225 x 0.03 £12.25
Clerk - New clerks training 8hrs 20, website 5hrs £153.73
Litter picker Nov/Dec £151.20
Total Invoices to be paid: £479.18
Payments Made  
Clerks salary November/December £300.60
Total Expenditure November/December: £779.78

Payments Received: None

9. To appoint a personnel committee to line manage the clerk.

The clerk reported that LALC advised all parish councils to have a personnel committee to line manage the clerk and oversee holidays/absences/annual appraisals etc… The           parish council concluded that they are happy with the way the clerk is currently managed by all the council and that if needed the council would appoint a personnel committee at short notice. It was therefore RESOLVED not to appoint a personnel committee.

10. To consider purchasing for the clerks reference - Local Council Administration by Charles Arnold Baker/Paul Clayden. 

The Clerk advised that this is an excellent book for the clerk and councils reference. At  £149.99 this was considered rather expensive by the parish council and suggested that information can be retrieved online. It was also suggested that if needed then the clerk could request to borrow a copy from a larger council such as Caythorpe PC or Navenby PC. It was therefore RESOLVED not to purchase the Local Council Administration book.

11. Planning applications received.

  •  S20/1868 – Erection of new agricultural workers dwelling and stable block. Land at Fulbeck Lowfields, Brant Road, NG32 3JD. No comments given by the council.
  •  S20/1878 - Willow (T1) - split at base, 2 large trunks to be removed. - additional trunks/branches also falling out from base, these are to be removed. - remaining 3 large trunks, recommended to reduce height. Evergreen tree (Japanese?) (T2) - to reduce and/or remove. 35 Washdyke Lane, Fulbeck. No comments given by the council.
  •   S20/2128 - Material change of use of land for stationing of caravans for residential use for 2 Gypsy-Traveller families with associated development (hard standing, waste treatment plant, utility building, associated drainage works)- part retrospective. Four Way, Bulby Lane, Fulbeck. Comments by 23rdth January, 2021.
  • ·S20/2059 – Removal of hedgerows where they intersect with the pipeline within the working corridor of Lincoln to Ancaster Pipeline Scheme. Land To The South Of Long Lane, Temple Bruer With Temple High Grange, Leadenham North. (Application date 2nd December)

Planning aplications determined.

  •  S20/0875 – Erection of two replacement poultry buildings, associated feed bins and control room. Leatherbottle Farm, Stragglethorpe Lane Fulbeck. Planning permission granted. (2nd November 2020)
  • S20/1695 - T1, T2 Sycamores - To fell, T3 Horse Chestnut - To fell. Fulbeck Manor Lincoln Road Fulbeck. Work allowed 17th November 2020.
  • S20/1691 - Removal of one Douglas Fir tree by felling. The Barn North End Lane, Fulbeck. Work allowed 17th November 2020.
  • S20/1693 - Alterations and extensions to dwelling, including replacement windows and doors, reinstatement of first floor window, provision of roof lights to kitchen, provision of single storey infill extension, provision of open porch / canopy to front door, provision of car port, provision of gates to driveway. The Old Farm House Sudthorpe Hill, Fulbeck. Planning permission granted (3rd December, 2020)
  • S20/1694 - Alterations and extensions to dwelling, including replacement windows and doors, reinstatement of first floor window, provision of roof lights to kitchen, provision of single storey infill extension, provision of open porch / canopy to front door, provision of car port, provision of gates to driveway. Consent for works granted. (3rd December, 2020)
  •  Appeal Ref: APP/E2530/W/19/3240125. Land off Bulby Lane, Fulbeck. Appeal dismissed.
  • S20/1878 - Willow (T1) - split at base, 2 large trunks to be removed - additional trunks/branches also falling out from base, these are to be removed - remaining 3 large trunks, recommended to reduce height. Evergreen tree (Japanese?) (T2) - to reduce and/or remove. 35 Washdyke Lane Fulbeck. Work allowed 15th December 2020.


12. To resolve whether to apply for tree preservation orders, for trees located outside of the conservation area.

The Parish Council were concerned that there are significant trees to be taken down outside the conservation area. A councillor had found out that tree preservation orders can be put on trees on private land within and outside of the conservation area. Cllr Hodcroft had concerns that putting a TPO on trees on private land may be considered an invasion. 

It was therefore RESOLVED that it would be an ongoing matter; if a Parish Councillor found a tree that they thought should be of importance to the village then this would be bought up at future meetings.

13. To review and agree the dates of the 2021 Annual Parish Meeting and the 2021 Annual General Meeting.

At present the two meetings will be held on the 10th May at 7.30pm, the clerk advised that it was bad practice to hold the two meetings on the same date. Cllr Greenhalgh and Cllr Sampson advised that the two meetings used to be held on separate dates, but the attendance for the APM was so low if none existent, it was therefore previously decided that it was a better use of everyone's time to have the two meetings on the same date. It was therefore RESOLVED to continue to hold the meetings on the same day each year.

14. Highway matters.

Temporary traffic restriction - 25/01/21 to 05/02/21 - Pottergate Road (A17 to South Heath Lane) REASONS FOR RESTRICTION: Cyclic Maintenance works.

South Heath Lane - Councillor has reported potholes to highways.

One large pothole on South Heath Lane has been filled. 

Cllr Hodcroft brought the missing posts along the beck on Brant Road to the attention of the Chairman, who reported on fix my street. Cllr Morison said that previous reports to highways have failed to bring any action. District Cllr Maughan agreed to bring the matter up again with highways.

Part of the A1 to be closed - details on the Facebook group and the SKDC website.

15. Correspondence.

Please see Correspondence

16. District Councillors report - Update from DC Milnes on outstanding matters.

No outstanding issues. SKDC budget time again, council tax proposed to be raised by £5 per month due to loss of district council income.

17. County Councillors report - Update from CC Maughan on outstanding matters.

Changes/maintenance of services due to the lockdown period - Adult and children social care services are carrying on as usual, with social distancing measures in place. Domestic abuse services are still operating. Schools are open to children of key workers. School transport will be operated via a booking system, key worker parents are encouraged to take children if they can. Fire crews are continuing to operate as normal. Household waste recycling centres are operating as normal with the click, book and tip. Libraries are operating click and collect services and mobile libraries are still operating. COVID 19 helpline for anyone who has financial difficulties/mental or physical health concerns 01522 782189. Bright orange postcards are being posted by the County Council for test and trace. There are 16 vaccine sites across the county.

18. Village organisations report - Village Hall and Playing Field Committee.

Repairs have been carried out on the village car park.

The playing field has been scarified, fertilised and reseeded.

Car boot sales - it is too early to decide what will be done about car boot sales, cancellations expected for at least the first half of the year.

19. Matters for urgent discussion only.


20. To resolve whether to go into closed session to discuss confidential staffing matters. (Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage)

It was RESOLVED to go into closed session to discuss confidential staffing matters. All members of the public left the meeting.

 Closed Session

  1. To resolve whether to increase the clerk hours from 3 to 5 hours per week.

The clerk explained that she had regularly been doing over 3 hours per week, due to working on the website and updating files and documents. The council recognised that more time will be needed for ongoing work on the website and therefore RESOLVED to increase the clerks hours from 3 to 4 hours per week.

  1. To resolve whether the clerk can attend the following courses at 1.5 hours each: year end accounts and audit; budgeting; internal controls. 4.5hrs x £11.53 = £51.88

The clerk requested to attend the above courses in the next financial year. (£250 has been budgeted for clerks training for the year 2021/2022). It was therefore RESOLVED that the clerk could attend the above courses in the next financial year.

  1. To consider whether the precept should be reviewed, following the outcome of point one.

It was proposed that the precept would need to be increased by £600 to cover the increase in clerks hours, it was therefore RESOLVED that the precept for 2021/2022 would be raised from £8400 to £9000.

Closed session ended at 22.39.

 The next parish council meeting will be held on Monday 8th March at 7.30pm.

 The Chairman closed the meeting at 22.40.

Clerks Report

Minutes referenced: PC Meeting 2nd November 2020

Item: 5. Clerks report. 

Yorkshire Bank –Clerk is now receiving bank statements and the previous clerks standing order has been stopped.

HMRC – Original overdue payments have been corrected as paid. However, there was a new overdue payment from the 5th August 2020 to September 2020 for £18 for income tax. No income tax was due, clerk wrote to HMRC to on the 18th December to query this. No reply as yet.


Item: 9. Correspondence.

8. Concern about a road side hedge encroaching into Brant road. Clerk to write to resident. – To do.


Item: 11. To Receive the Asset Policy and discuss the list of assets.

Clerk to update asset register – To do.


Minutes referenced: PC Meeting 23rd November 2020

Item: 5. To discuss the 2021/2022 precept.

Precept forms complete, Clerk to send forms after January meeting. 

  • Clerk has begun moving and reorganising files to the gmail cloud.

  • Work on the new website is underway – not yet complete.


No. Date From Description Action
1. 16/11/20 LALC Lincolnshire Community Foundation £200,000 available to groups from the LCC covid-19 Community Response Fund. Cllr forwarded the information to administrators of the Fulbeck Resilience Forum.
2. 1/12/20 East Midlands Community Led Housing Request for survey to be completed.

Emailed to all Cllrs.

3. 2/12/20 Cloudy IT Company offering IT support for Parish Councils.

Emailed to all Cllrs.

It was RESOLVED that this service was not needed.

4. 4/12/20 ICO Newsletter Emailed to all Cllrs.
5. 14/12/20 SKDC Coronavirous parish update

Emailed to all Cllrs.

Cllr posted information on the village Facebook page.

6. 15/12/20 LCC

2022-2023 Lincolnshire Schools Admissions Policy Consultation between 18 December 2020 - 30 January 2021


Emailed to all Cllrs.

No comments from the council.

7. 21/12/20 Resident Request for permission to metal detect on the communal village playing field.

Emailed to all Cllrs.

The council do not agree with the green area being dug up as this would spoil the green areas. The sports club have also spent £3000 on repairing the field and do not wish holes to be dug into it. The Parish Council therefore feel that all areas are off limits to metal detecting and have been for many years. It was therefore RESOLVED not to agree to metal detecting being carried out on the communal village playing field or any other gree areas. Clerk to respond to email.

8. 29/12/20 Councillor from Hemingby Parish


Asked for assessment of SID in Fulbeck village, as Hemingby is considering by SID’s for their village.


Emailed to all Cllrs. Cllr Morison has replied to Hemingby Cllr. The Parish Council RESOLVED to find out how to obtain stats from the SID. Cllr Morison to find out stat info.

9. 2/1/21


Caythorpe Resident


Offer to maintain military sites/memorials in the village at no cost.


Emailed to all Cllrs.

It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council are happy with the current people that maintain the military sites. Contact information from the Caythorpe resident is to be kept in case they are needed in the future.