November 2024 Agenda
Fulbeck Parish Council
Members of Fulbeck Parish Council are hereby summoned, and members of the public are invited, to attend a meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 14th November 2024 at 7.00pm at the Village Hall.
Before the meeting, a period of up to 15 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to raise matters followed by the District and County Councillors reports. Members of the Parish Council are also asked to attend these sessions.
Issued: 8 November 2024
Dermot Daly
Dermot Daly, Clerk, Fulbeck Parish Council
E: W:
Welcome and open the Council meeting.
24/25/081 Suspend Standing Orders to allow the Public Forum (limited to no more than 15 minutes).
24/25/082 Receive County and District Councillor reports and reinstate Standing Orders.
24/25/083 To receive and approve any apologies for absence.
24/25/084 To receive disclosures of interests from Councillors on matters at this meeting.
24/25/085 To approve the Minutes for the Parish Council meeting held on 19th September 2024.
24/25/086 To approve the Minutes for the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd October 2024.
24/25/087 S24/1805 - Mcgregor House, Washdyke Lane, Fulbeck, NG32 3LD - Fell - T1 – Sycamore. [Deadline: 15/11/2024]
24/25/088 Discuss and approve the Complaints Procedure.
24/25/089 To review and identify changes to the Communications Policy issued in March 2024.
24/25/090 Review and agree the Publication Scheme.
24/25/091 Discuss whether the Council would want to act as a distributor of free tree sapling packs from Woodland Trust.
24/25/092 Agree an approach to the County Councillor for a walkabout with a focus on Highways issues including highway signage.
24/25/093 Review speed watch report and agree any associated actions.
24/25/094 Agree a response to the Remote Meetings and Proxy Voting Consultation.
24/25/095 Discuss and agree related actions to an approach to locate an American memorial alongside an existing RAF memorial on land owned or leased by the Parish Council.
24/25/096 Discuss and identify any actions relating to parking and access to the Village Hall.
24/25/097 To review the Financial Report for the period.
24/25/098 To review and approve the Accounts for Payment.
24/25/099 Discuss and agree the initial budget for 2025-26 including any associated initiatives planned.
REPORTS (for information only)
24/25/100 Receive the Clerk's report.
24/25/101 Receive the Biodiversity report.
24/25/102 To consider agenda items for the next meeting on Thursday 9th January 2025 commencing 7.00pm.
24/25/103 Close the meeting to press and public for confidential matters.
24/25/104 Approve backdated pay scale award. Close meeting.