November 2024 Staffing Committee Agenda
Fulbeck Parish Council
Members of Fulbeck Parish Council Staffing Committee are hereby summoned to attend a Staffing Committee meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 5th December 2024 at 7.00pm at the Village Hall.
It should be noted that due to the confidential nature of the items being discussed neither the press or public will be allowed to attend the meeting.
Issued: 29 November 2024
Dermot Daly
Dermot Daly, Clerk, Fulbeck Parish Council
E: W:
Open the Committee meeting.
24/25/S001 Elect a Chair for the Staffing Committee.
24/25/S002 Receive and approve any apologies for absence.
24/25/S003 Receive disclosures of interests from Councillors on matters at this meeting.
24/25/S004 Confirm the meeting is to be held without press and public present due to confidential matters.
24/25/S005 Investigate concerns raised by the Clerk and make appropriate resolutions and recommendations as are suitable on the subject.
24/25/S006 Plan the method and process for annual appraisal of staff.
Close meeting.