May 2024 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting
Fulbeck Parish Council
Members of Fulbeck Parish Council are hereby summoned, and members of the public are invited, to attend the Annual meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 16th May 2024 at 7.15pm at the Village Hall.
Before the meeting there will be an Annual Parish Meeting focused around local Biodiversity and Wilding, for members of the public to raise matters and wishes for the parish. Councillors are also asked to attend this session as members of the community. If this meeting overruns then it will delay the start of the Annual Parish Council meeting.
Issued: 9 May 2024 Clerk
Dermot Daly
Fulbeck Parish Council
Welcome and open the meeting.
24/25/001 To agree the Chair for the forthcoming year. 24/25/002 To agree the Vice Chair for the forthcoming year. 24/25/003 To receive and approve any apologies for absence.
24/25/004 To receive disclosures of interests from Councillors on matters at this meeting.
24/25/005 To approve the Minutes for the Parish Council meeting held on 14th March 2024.
24/25/006 To agree the creation of a staffing committee, including the terms of reference, and the members of the committee.
24/25/007 To adopt updated Standing Orders. 24/25/008 To adopt updated Financial Regulations. 24/25/009 Review and agree the current asset list.
24/25/010 To review and agree the insurance cover for 2024-25.
24/25/011 To review and agree the annual subscriptions. 24/25/012 To adopt an updated Complaints Procedure. 24/25/013 To adopt an updated Data Protection Policy. 24/25/014 To adopt a Freedom of Information Policy.
24/25/015 S24/0655 - South End, 29 Washdyke Lane, Fulbeck, NG32 3LB - Widening of existing vehicular access, rebuilding entrance wall, and new flat roof to side extension, following partial demolition of side extension. [Deadline: 17/05/2024]
24/25/016 To agree actions relating to the response to the South Kesteven District Council Local Plan Review - Village Services and Facilities Survey 2024.
24/25/017 To agree the position of the Parish Council on Biodiversity and Wilding and to agree related actions.
24/25/018 To review the Financial Report for the period.
24/25/019 To review and approve the Accounts for Payment.
24/25/020 To agree to transfer to the Unity Trust banking facility, with a Current account and associated Business Reserve account.
24/25/021 To consider the grant application for the Village Hall & Playing Field.
24/25/022 To discuss and agree whether the Council is to support repairs to the Church Clock and to what extent.
24/25/023 To agree how the Council is to respond to the 'Lincolnshire Moves: Your voice, your roads' survey.
24/25/024 To report on, discuss, and agree related actions to local road and traffic issues.
24/25/025 To discuss and agree whether to accept the offer of a presentation for Fibre rollout plans by Quickline.
24/25/026 To consider agenda items for the next meeting on Thursday 11th July 2024 commencing 7.00pm.