October 2024 Minutes EOM - Draft

Fulbeck Parish Council

Minutes for Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 3 October 2024 at 7.00 PM

Location: Village Hall, Lincoln Road, Fulbeck, NG32 3JW


(i)         Welcome.

 - The Chair welcomed all present and advised that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss and agree the Parish Council’s response to the planning application that had been submitted for a private dwelling to be built at Fulbeck Heights, to receive an update on the greens and verges initiative and agree any related actions, and to discuss and agree the submission of an application for biodiversity funding to South Kesteven District Council. However, should any member of the public wish to raise any other issues in the public forum then they were welcome to do so. The Chair also thanked Mr Kevin Kelly, the project architect, for attending the meeting; he advised that he would be happy to answer any questions that either the public or the Council might wish to raise.

(ii)        Public Forum (limited to no more than 15 minutes).

 - A North End resident advised that the oak tree at the top of North End Green had grown significantly in the last couple of years and was now encroaching on the road. The lower branches needed to be removed to raise the crown and allow light to reach the base of the tree and stimulate the grass to grow. The Chair noted this for further discussion by the Council and action, as required.  - District Councillor (DC) Penny Milnes urged anyone who wished to comment on the proposed development to do so as each submission would be considered by the planning authority prior to any decision on the issue. The deadline for standard submissions was 10th October and for adjacent property owners 13th October.


24/25/074        Open the Council meeting.

  • The meeting commenced at 7.17pm.
  • Present: Councillors June Hutchinson (Chair), Alix Fane, Ollie Crowder, Rosie Siddans, Nick Harrison, Jane Hodcroft, Peter Hughes (Deputy Chair & minute-taker): District Councillor Penny Milnes and nine members of the public.

24/25/075        To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

  • There were no apologies for absence.
  • The Clerk had apologised for the meeting.

24/25/076        To receive disclosures of interests from Councillors on matters at this meeting.  - There were no disclosures of interests.

PLANNING (discuss and agree response)

24/25/077        S24/1418 - Fulbeck Heights , Pottergate Road, Fulbeck, NG32 3HW - Erection of a single dwelling

with associated access, landscaping and engineering works. [Deadline: 10/10/2024]



  • Cllr Fane pointed out that the application met no planning law other than para 84 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which is a subjective issue. Additionally, she expressed her grave concern in respect of the potential damage to the existing eco system which the proposed development might have. She referred to her email circulated to all councillors detailing her objections to the development, in particular, the effect it would have on the protected or endangered species that were present in the area. Additionally, it would have an adverse effect on the hydrology of the area. If the only grounds for approval of the project was ‘exceptional design’, then who would be the arbiter of this subjective issue?
  • DC Milnes suggested that SKDC would refer the issue of design merit to independent consultants for an opinion.
  • Cllr Siddans endorsed Cllr Fane’s concerns in respect of the likely damage to the existing eco system. The proposed site was an exceptional, untouched location.
  • Mr Kelly advised that a biodiversity study had been completed as requested by SKDC and reported that this had revealed a biodiversity net gain. He accepted, however, that a further, even more detailed, environmental impact assessment might be required by the planning authority in the light of councillors’ concerns. He had tried to capture the characteristics of the location in his design so that it would be in complete harmony with its surroundings.
  • Cllr Harrison noted that the dwelling would be visible from the Lincoln Road.
  • Mr Kelly said that tree planting was an important feature of the project so that it blended into the hillside.
  • There was general concern amongst councillors regarding the effect of construction traffic on Pottergate Road and through the village. DC Milnes said that it was usual for SKDC to impose appropriate restrictions.


  • The Vice Chair suggested that Councillors vote on one of three options: Support the application without reservation, Support the application with reservations, Object to the application.
  • There were no votes to support the application without reservations.
  • There were 3 votes to object to the application.
  • There were 4 votes to support the application with reservations.
  • It was RESOLVED by a majority that the Chair would circulate to all councillors for comment a draft of the Parish Council’s submission to SKDC reflecting its support of the application by majority vote but expressing concerns in respect of the environmental issues.


24/25/078        To provide an update on the greens and verges initiative and agree any related actions.

  • Cllr Siddans referred to her report on this issue which had been emailed to all councillors for information. Ideally, the seeding should be done before the end of this October.  
  • Cllr Hughes asked whether she had the necessary machinery and manpower to complete the initial seeding.
  • Cllr Siddans confirmed that she had and undertook to seek approval from Lincolnshire County Council Highways before starting work.

24/25/079        To discuss and agree a submission of an application for biodiversity funding to South Kesteven District Council.

  • Cllr Siddans reported that the deadline for the first round of funding was 28th October. This would cover seed and signage for the project. She asked the Council to agree to the submission of an application to meet the deadline. She was confident that it would be approved given the current climate on these issues.
  • It was RESOLVED unanimously that Cllr Siddans should apply to SKDC for biodiversity funding to meet the deadline of 28th October 2024.


24/25/080        To review and agree a budget for biodiversity initiatives.

  • Cllr Siddans advised that the cost of the seed for the first part of the project was £503.10 and requested that the Council provide this funding in advance of her application for a grant as the work needed to be done without delay.
  • It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the purchase of seed to the value of £503.10 for the biodiversity project.

Close meeting.

  • There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.



DC – District Councillor

NPPF – National Planning Policy Framework

SKDC – South Kesteven District Council