June 2024 Minutes EOM

Fulbeck Parish Council

Minutes for Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 27 June 2024 at 7.00 PM Location: Village Hall, Lincoln Road, Fulbeck, NG32 3JW

(i)   Welcome.
-   The Chair welcomed everyone to the extraordinary meeting and explained the role of the Parish Council and covered the importance of the Code of Conduct and the Nolan Principles for public office.

(ii)   Public Forum (limited to no more than 15 minutes).

-   The notes presented by the Chair in her welcome will be posted on the noticeboard for public reference.
-   Questions were raised and resolved regarding the timing for posting of the meeting Minutes.
-   There were a number of objections to the lack of cutting of the Church Green.
-   There was support for promotion of wild species of flora and a challenge whether to limit the project to the main road, working with the Lincs Wildlife Trust and LCC.
-   There should be a managed biodiversity area with other areas cut to allow the village to remain looking nice and visibility of the biodiversity project being managed.
-   An explanation was made of the different Authorities involved in the grass cutting and other related duties.

24/25/029  Open the Council meeting.

-   The formal meeting was opened at 7.26pm.

Present: Cllrs June Hutchinson (Chair), Peter Hughes, Nick Harrison, Jane Hodcroft; Dermot Daly (Clerk); 9 members of the public.

24/25/030  To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

-   It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the apologies of Cllr Ollie Crowder and Cllr Alix Fane.
-   Cllr Rosie Siddans apologised for arriving late.

24/25/031  To receive disclosures of interests from Councillors on matters at this meeting.

-   No interests were disclosed.


24/25/032  To present and accept the year-end financial reporting for 2023-24.

-   It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the year-end financial position as presented by the Clerk and circulated in the pack.

24/25/033  To receive and agree the Internal Audit report and sign-off sheet for 2023-24.

-   It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the Internal Audit report as produced by Iain Urquhart and presented by the Clerk.
-   As part of the Clerk’s presentation, it was explained how the issues raised by the Internal Auditor would be addressed over the coming year.
-   Finally, the Council would like to thank the Internal Auditor for his professional approach given the change of Clerk during the financial year under review.

24/25/034 To approve the External Audit submission for 2023-24, including the Exemption Certificate, Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) reporting requirements, and the Notice to Exercise Public Rights for the viewing of the financial records for the financial year 2023-24.

-   It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Exemption Certificate and the other AGAR documents as circulated.

24/25/035  To agree the position of the Parish Council on Biodiversity and Wilding and to agree related actions.

-   In the absence of Cllr Rosie Siddans, the Chair presented the Biodiversity positioning paper as circulated.
-   There is a need to think about health and safety issues throughout the project.
-   Planning permissions may be needed with regard signage in a conservation area and adjacent a main road.
-   There are significant issues with the trial project on the Church Green so it was proposed to abandon the trial project on any of the village greens – this was RESOLVED unanimously.
-   Impact of reducing amount of grass cutting is greater for adjacent residents, so their views should be sought directly together with the PCC.
-   Potentially a more manageable area could be considered for the project such as the A607 verge as a designated roadside nature reserve.
-   More work is to be done with the community, possibly through a working group that can then bring proposals back to the full Council.


24/25/036  To note further agenda items and arrangements for the next meeting (11th July 2024).

Meeting Close

- There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.34pm.