January 2023 Agenda
Members of Fulbeck Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 9th January 2023 at 7.30 pm in the Committee Room at the Village Hall.
Note – please attend at 7.15 pm to meet June Hutchinson.
There will be a 15 minute public forum between 7.30 pm and 7.45 pm when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, and your attendance is requested during this period.
If any member of the public wishes to raise an issue on any agenda item during the meeting, then they should raise their hand and the Chair may, at his discretion, allow them to speak.
County and District Councillor reports then follow.
1. Apologies for absence. Note Ann Sampsons resignation due to her move.
Resolution to co-opt June Hutchinson and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
2. Any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism act 2011 and consideration of any dispensation requests.
3. Resolution to approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2022.
4. Financial matters:
[a] Financial reports at 31.10.22 and 30.11.22 (previously circulated).
[b] Resolution to ratify payments of: £373 salary and expenses; £10.20 copy plan and £164.72 for community cleaner.
[c] Discussion and resolution to approve precept amount for 2023-2024.
5. Planning:
Planning applications received:
S22/2216 – Solar panels at Walled Garden, North End Lane – pending consideration.
PL/0137/LCC – Application for works at Recycling Site, Caythorpe Heath Lane – discussion and resolution for any comments.
Planning applications determined:
S22/1824 – Various tree works at Fulbeck House – approved.
S22/1951 – Extensions, change of windows at The Russets – approved.
S22/2089 – Tree works at Pickers Mallow – approved.
S22/2174 – Tree works at Fulbeck Hall – approved.
Notice of Appeal: S19/0834 – any update on removal of remaining items on site (Cllr Milnes)
6. Highways: (Cty Cllr A Maughan)
Update on signage on A17 re presence of deer (Cllr A Maughan).
Archer survey report – any comments or further action?
Sudthorpe Hill –all cut back but still an issue for one company apparently.
Re-wilding – report by Cllr Fane.
Closure of access road on Pottergate Lane due to fly-tipping (Cllr Fane).
7. Benches – update on removal of bench opposite Ashers. Update on bench at Northend Green.
8. Village Hall Green – any update (Cllr Fane).
9. Noticeboard at Hare & Hounds - Clerk has responded to additional questions from SKDC Planning. Quotes in hand for new noticeboard £1,320 + VAT. Any alternative sites outside of Conservation Area?
10. Dog fouling –update on new dog fouling signs. Commercial collections too expensive for our precept. Anyone local we could approach?
11. VETS – any more up to date systems? (Cllr Watler).
12. Correspondence for circulation – none to hand.
13. Date of next meeting : 6th March 2023.
14. Resolution to go into closed session if required: this will be necessary if there are matters which if publicly disclosed might reasonably prejudice the effective discharge of this Council’s functions and/or be confidential in nature including complaints against the Council or a code of conduct complaint.
Signed: Lesley Frances
Clerk to Fulbeck Parish Council
E-mail: clerkffpc@gmail.com
Tel: 07916 628673
Date: 3rd January 2023