June 2019 Minutes of a Public Meeting


Public Meeting held on Monday 4th June 2019 at 8 p.m.

Present: Councillors Caunt (Chairperson), Fane, Hodcroft, Greenhalgh, Hughes, Morison and Sampson.  Parish Clerk, Carol Tointon.  There were 15 members of the public present including DC Milnes.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting to discuss the Planning Application No. S19/0834 for the change of use of land for the siting of caravans for residential purposes for 4 gypsy pitches and associated hardstanding, access and utility blocks on land Off Bulby Lane, Bulby Lane.

Cllr Fane wished to declare an interest in this item as he owned the land either side of the application site.

The Chairman asked members of the public their views on the application. One of the main complaints was the delay in receiving details of the application. The application had been received by South Kesteven District Council but had not been circulated until the 29th May, a delay of three weeks. One of the Applicants, who were present, pointed out that they had not been responsible for this delay. They also gave their reasons for wishing to live in Fulbeck; mainly that the family could be together.

Another point raised was the lack of access to the proposed site. The Applicants stated that they would do all they could to make things easier for the residents.

Various other points of view were put forward and the Chairman said that these would be taken into account when the Parish Council held the meeting to discuss this application. The meeting would be advertised accordingly.