Parish Council and Garden Society News


 Zoom meeting on Mon. 11th Jan. 2021. 

1. Signage – Ongoing.  

2. Planning application S19/0834 -Change of use of land for the siting of 4 caravans on land off Bulby Lane .  Appeal ref. APP/E2530/W/19/3240125. The Appeal was dismissed.  

S20/2128. The Applicants have now submitted a further planning application for 2 gypsy caravans plus associated buildings,  etc. The closing date for comments was 23rd January. The Parish Council is submitting a very comprehensive report setting out their objections. DC Milnes stated that 98 responses had been received to the first application and letters had been sent out to those villagers advising the resubmission of this planning application and asking for comments. Cllr Morison said he would put the closing date for responses on village notice boards and on Facebook. 

3. Village Hall Report. The potholes in the village car park have been repaired with a dense tarmac. The Sports Club have  taken advantage of the lockdown and carried out fertilising and reseeding work to the playing field. The children’s playpark is  open with supervision by parents. No date for resuming car boot sales. 

4. Village Assets. The Parish Council has received a quote for painting the bus shelter and the work will be carried out in the Spring. 

5. Missing Bollards on Brant Road. Cllr. Hodcroft pointed out to the meeting that large sections of bollards were missing and probably in the Beck. Cllr. Morison stated that this had been looked at with Highways and the Water Authority some years ago and it was considered that the no action was needed! CC Maughan said he would take it up with Highways and see what can be done. 

6. Tree Preservation Orders. Cllr Morison said he would send councillors the latest conservation area map. 7. D.C. Report. Services are still operating i.e. fire crews, tip open, libraries, including mobile, etc. The Covid 19 helpline is  01522 782189 and this is the right organisation for support needs. There are 16 vaccine sites, including Grantham Meres.  Do not ring doctors surgery for a date. You will be contacted. 

8. Annual Parish Meeting and AGM. It was agreed to hold both meetings on the same date which is 10th May 2021. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, 11th March 2021 at 7.30 p.m. 


Caythorpe and District Garden Society

This would normally be the time when we hold our AGM and look forward to another year of talks  and garden visits. Unfortunately the current lockdown means we have had to cancel the speakers for  February and March, and may have to cancel activities scheduled for later in the year. 

We will let you know via News and Views, our web page and by email to current members when we  can safely meet up again. In the meantime, keep safe and enjoy your gardens, walks in the country side and the spring flowers. We will meet again soon.