November 2020 Minutes EOM

Date/Time: Monday 23rd November 2020, 7.30pm

Location: Zoom meeting.

Present (Cllrs):  Mr S Caunt, Chairman; Ms Ann Sampson Vice Chair; Mr D Morison; Mr G Greenhalgh; Ms Jane Hodcroft; Mr J Fane; Mr P Hughes.

In Attendance: County Cllr Alexander Maughan; District Cllr Penny Milnes; Mrs K Elson, Clerk.

Absent (Cllrs):  None


1. To discuss the need, purchase and siting of “village gates” on the A607 both ends of Fulbeck.

Quotes for village gates: £350 for each gate x 4 for a set at each end of the village plus £200 to install. The total expenditure would be £2200. A second quote was £450 for each gate. 

The Chairman asked if anyone was in favour? One councillor was in favour as they can help with speeding traffic. Reasons given for not buying gates were: There are three other signs at the south side of the village, if these will not slow down traffic then why would gates? 

The reactive sign is quite effective and that considering the cost of the gates, it wasn’t value for money. 

The chairman put it to a vote for who would like village gates, there was 1 for and 5 against. It was therefore RESOLVED that the Parish council would not purchase village gates at this time.


2. To discuss the purchase and erecting of a new Parish Council notice board to replace the existing one which is badly dilapidated.

Quote for a replacement noticeboard with lock size 1000mmH x 50mmW - £295.  

The majority of Councillors were in favour of purchasing a new noticeboard. The final decision will be made at the next parish council meeting.


3. To discuss the renovation to the old brick-built bus shelter.

The chairman gave a quote of £230 including materials for all works. It was agreed that the final decision would be made in the discussion of the precept.


4. To discuss whether to approve the invoice for contributing towards grass cutting of the churchyard, before the next PC meeting held in January.

Invoice: £400

As this is a regular annual payment, it was RESOLVED to pay the invoice for the grass cutting of the churchyard.


5.To discuss the 2021/2022 precept.

It was agreed that the following projects would be added to the precept for 2021-2022.



Church Clock


Car Park repairs


Notice board


Bus Shelter




Annual Costs


Clerk salary + exp.


Clerk training




Grass cutting


Litter picking


LALC sub


Election Fund


Defibrillator Fund


Tree survey




Regular Payments to organisations


Village Hall and Playing Field


Church Grass


Church Clock


Playground Reserve




Grand Total




Given the costs discussed in the above table it was RESOLVED that the precept would be raised by 10.3% to £8400.

It was also RESOLVED to carry out the projects given in the above table. 


Cllr Fane left the meeting, as the person carrying out the survey to be discussed in the next item is his daughter.


6. To discuss the Parish Council’s response to the Fulbeck housing survey.

There will be a statement in the newsletter stating that the Parish council do not have anything to do with the survey. The Parish Council have asked for more information, without this the Parish Council cannot say anymore. It was concluded that the Parish Council have done all they can at this present time.