May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting
NOTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING OF FULBECK PARISH COUNCIL held at 7.10 pm on Monday 15th May 2023 at 7.10 pm.
Present: Cllrs J Hutchinson (in the Chair), O. Crowder, A. Fane, N. Harrison, J Hodcroft, P Hughes and R. Siddans. There were nine members of the public present.
1. The Chair welcomed all present.
2. Apologies had been received from Dist Cllr Penny Milnes who had an urgent meeting at SKDC. She had advised that SKDC had a “hung” election (Conservatives had only gained 24 seats and they needed 28) and that she and two other Independents had put their names forward to join the Conservatives in a coalition. There was still one seat to be filled.
3. The Clerk read out a statement of thanks to two Councillors who had retired, one who had left the village and a fourth who had passed away.
4. Gary Greenhalgh read out the Chair’s report – a copy is attached to the hard copy of these Minutes.
Cllr Hughes gave a Report for the Charities and that for the Village Hall and Playing Field –copies are attached to the hard copy of these Minutes.
Julian Fane gave a report on behalf of the PCC – a drone had shown that one half of the Church roof was in desperate need of repair and this had cost £10,000. Stuart Hadley is retiring in July and there is a new system in place at the Lincoln Diocese. There will be three new Clergy and one will be working for our new group called Loveden Central Grouping which includes 12 parishes. Interviews are currently taking place but those employed will only be in place for two years when the new system will be reviewed.
5. Parishioners were invited to raise questions. Julian Fane advised that the group involved with verges and hedges (re-wilding) had met several times as part of a Coronation effort. A list of areas proposed for re-wilding was given out and this included some LCC verges and some Parish greens. Uncut hawthorn bushes are full of flowers but those that have been cut are not. We should ask the Wildlife Trust for the way forward. When LCC Cllr Maughan arrived, he was asked about the format for re-wilding LCC verges and he advised that the first port of call is the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust and then LCC has to issue a planting licence for us to be able to re-wild verges. Clerk to arrange for LWT to come and talk to the village at an open meeting, ideally 1st June but in any event has to be a Thursday or Friday evening.
Meeting closed at 7.50 pm