May 2022 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting
NOTES of the Annual Parish Meeting held at 7 pm on Monday 16th May 2022 in the Village Hall, Fulbeck.
Present: Cllr A Sampson (in the Chair), Cllrs Fane, Greenhalgh, Hughes, Morison and Watler, and Dist Cllr Penny Milnes. There were 10 members of the public present.
Chair welcomed all present.
Apologies had been received from Cllr Hodcroft and Cty Cllr Maughan.
Presentation of Annual Reports:
The Chair read out her report and a copy is attached to the hard copy of these Minutes.
Cllr Hughes read out a report in respect of the two charities – a copy is attached to the hard copy of these Minutes.
Cllr Fane spoke on behalf of the PCC. Due to the pandemic, churches had had to closed but were gradually re-opening. The north side roof of the Church has had to be completely stripped, re-felted and re-tiled; the Church funds paid for the works. The Church is now operating normally and has one service a month. Reverend Handley has 10 parishes but still manages to visit parishioners.
Cllr Hughes read out a report on behalf of the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee and a copy is attached to the hard copy of these Minutes.
PUBLIC : a member of the public asked the views of the PC with regard to the reduction of a speed limit in the village to 20 mph. It was explained that it was likely to be a zoned area but that the outcome of this is dependent on the Highways Scrutiny Committee who makes the decision on the viability of this project. That meeting is at the end of May. Cllr Morison had walked around the village with a Highways Officer. An Archer survey has been requested (Clerk to chase).
Meeting closed at 7.35 pm.