November 2018 Notes


Notes of Parish Council Meeting – 12th November 2018

Present: Councillors Sampson (Chairperson), Buck, Caunt, Fane, Greenhalgh, Hughes and Morison.

Parish Clerk, Carol Tointon.  There were 5 members of the public present including DC Sampson.

1.   Apologies for absence – CC Maughan.

2.   Chairperson’s Remarks: The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting.

3.   Declaration of Interest: Cllr Morison declared an interest in item 7b as his wife is the littler picker.

4.   Approval of the notes of the last meeting of the Parish Council.  The notes of the last meeting had been circulated to all Councillors.  It was proposed by Cllr Greenhalgh and seconded by Cllr Morison that these notes be accepted as a true record of the Parish Council meeting held on the 10th September 2018.

5.   Adjournment of business for public questions.

6.   Reports on matters outstanding

a)   Fulbeck Karting Club

The Chairperson read correspondence which had been sent from Mr J Short, Senior Enforcement Officer, SKDC, to a Fenton resident, which stated that there are no planning conditions restricting the use of the go-kart track.  The planning permission was unconditional and while there was a subsequent private legal agreement made between the Council and the club, this has been found to have no legal effect, as it sought to amend a planning permission in a way that is not possible under current planning law.

DC Sampson pointed out that noise element is still a disturbance and that this is being pursued further.  He also gave an up-date on the Clay Pigeon Site.

b)   Road surface on Pottergate Road and Highways in Fulbeck

To date, nothing has been heard but CC Maughan had informed the Clerk that he was meeting with Highways on the 7th December and that any correspondence should be directed to him.

The Council were pleased to note that the signs which had been damaged had been replaced and that the Highways Department had cleaned all road signs.

The Upper Witham Drainage Board had replied to a communication stating that they are not responsible for the Beck.

Cllr Morison confirmed he had sent photographs of the subsidence down Beck Lane in order that CC Maughan can mention it at his meeting.

c)   Community Speed Watch

Cllr Morison gave a progress report on his findings to date and produced correspondence about the cost of purchasing equipment so that a community speed watch can be taken at any time as long as the participants have undergone training.  The cost of the equipment required would total between £450 and £470.

After due consideration it was agreed in principle to have a word with the Clerks at Caythorpe and Leadenham Parish Councils to see if they would be willing to participate in the programme and share the cost of the equipment.

Action: Clerk

d)   Tree Survey

Since receiving the tree survey and obtaining quotations a large branch had broken off the oak tree on the playing field and damaged a fence of a nearby property.  The Clerk had applied for and received permission for the shortening of the large exposed limb by not more than 4 metres under the dead and dangerous tree exemption.  The Chairperson thanked Cllr Hughes for all the work he had done in rendering the tree safe.

It was proposed by the Chairperson that the quotation received from Simpson Arboriculture Ltd in the sum of £480 plus VAT be accepted.  Seconded by Cllr Hughes.  All were in agreement. The second quotation received had been for the sum of £1600 plus VAT.  A third quotation had been sought but was not received within a suitable timescale.

Action: Clerk

Cllr Hughes pointed out that the Parish Council would be reimbursed for the work undertaken on the trees on the Playing Field.

e)   The Ribbon of Remembrance at International Bomber Command Centre, Lincoln

As Cllr Fane was still pursuing avenues to raise money for a stone it was agreed to put the item on the agenda for the next meeting.

Action: Clerk

f)   Stile leading onto the Playing Field

Cllr Morison reported that he had received a communication from the Countryside Service, Environmental Services, stating that the route is classified as a Priority 1 and any problems will be investigated and resolved by 28th February 2019.

7.   Financial Matters

a)   Financial Report – The Clerk reported that the balance is currently £20330.19, including in the General Account £9791.33, £4321.03 in the Playing Field Account, £600 in the Election Fund and £400 in the Playing Field Reserve and -£136.95 in the Defibrillator account.

Action: Clerk

b)   Accounts for payment – there were four invoices for payment.

Iris Morison

Litter Picking Sept & Oct


BDG Mowing Contractors

Grass Cutting Sept & Oct



Clerk’s Income Tax

£  83.40

Cllr Hughes (VH & PF)


£424.78  (incl. VAT)




Action: Clerk/Cllrs with signature authority

It was proposed by Cllr Sampson and seconded by Cllr Fane that the invoices be paid.  All were in agreement.

As a quotation had been received from BDG Mowing Contractors keeping their rates at the same level as the last two years it was agreed that they be approved as Contractors for 2019.

Action: Clerk

c)   Payments Made: The Clerk reported that the following payments had been made since the previous meeting.

Clerk’s Salary Sept. & Oct.

Standing Order

£  223.20

LSB Surfacing

Surfacing Car Park

£ 9360.00

Maypole Marketing Ltd

2-bay bus shelter

£ 3558.00




D)   Payments Received: The Clerk reported that the following payments had been received since the last meeting.

SKDC (via DC Sampson)

Donation to Bus Shelter

£  200.00


Grant towards Comm. Clean

£  203.58

Village Hall

Donation towards Car Park


Social Club

Donation towards Car Park

£  500.00


Donation to Bus Shelter

£  200.00


Donation to Car Park

£  500.00




8.   Planning Matters

Cllr Fane brought to the Parish Council’s attention a new large building which was being erected on the north side of Richmond House, Brant Road.  DC Sampson stated that he would make enquiries and report back.

Action: DC Sampson

a)   Planning Applications Received

S18/1754 – Hillside House, Lincoln Road – Trees in CA – Section 211 Notice – No comments submitted.

S18/1932 – The Reading Room Cottage, High Street – reduce height and spread of tree – no objections

S18/1935 – Village Hall Green – Work to trees in CA.

S18/2034 – Ext. to existing storage & distribution building – Hurlingham Business Park 

This application was discussed and it was agreed that no representations be put forward.

Action: Clerk

b)   Planning Applications Determined

S18/0075 – Brandon Wood Clay Shooting Ground – Refusal of planning permission to increase the number of shooting days from 50 to 120.

S18/1190 – The Shrubbery, South Heath Lane – planning permission granted for a conservatory and gable to side of existing dwelling

S18/1456 – Clock House, Lincoln Road – installation of flue to side of existing dwelling house.  Lawful Development Certificate Proposed

S18/1563 – Ermine House, High Street – Insertion of additional purlins – granted

S18/1613 – Ermine House, High Street – insert opening into stone garden wall to allow pedestrian access between garden and erect stone steps to allow access.  Granted.

S18/1071 – Pear Tree Cottage, Washdyke Lane – planning permission granted

S18/1934 – Dead & Dangerous Tree exemption – shortening of limb of Oak Tree on PF – granted.

9.   Highway Matters

a)   Winter Self-Help & Mutual Aid – correspondence had been received from The Network Resilience Team, Lincolnshire County Council asking the Parish Council if they wish to participate in the Winter Maintenance Scheme. If so a ‘Snow Warden’ should be appointed as a principal point of contact, together with a delivery location point for 1 tonne bag of salt together with proposed priority network of carriageways/footways to be treated with the salt provided.  It was noted that Cllr Caunt had kindly agreed to act as ‘snow warden’ with Cllr Morison as deputy in his absence.

Action: Cllrs Caunt/Cllr Morison

Cllr Morison agreed to put the details on the Village Facebook once the salt had been delivered.

10.  Correspondence – The Clerk notified the members that correspondence had been received as attached to the notes of the meeting.

With regard to the application form from the Co-operative Society requesting applications towards community projects, the Clerk stated she would make further enquiries.

11.  Contribution towards LIVES

The Chairman reported that she had been approached by a representative of LIVES to the effect that the organisation would like donations for any function they attend.  At present, they attend the Garden Fete and the Bonfire night.  The Chairperson considered that the sum of £100 would be reasonable.  It was agreed that the proposed donation be put into the precept figures and discussed at the next meeting.

12.  Elections in May

The Chairperson stated that if any Councillor was considering resigning at the next elections she would be grateful if they would inform her personally.

It was agreed that an article be placed in the Fulbeck Newsletter advising residents that elections will be taking place next May and if anyone was interested in standing they should contact the Clerk for further information.

13.  Highway Verge Cutting Scheme 2019/20.

A paper had been circulated explaining the LCC’s Parish Agreement scheme for the next Financial year.  There was unanimous agreement that the Parish Council reject their offer and that the County Council continue to do their two cuts a year.

Action: Clerk

14.  Noticeboard for Village Hall

It was noted that a grant of £200 has been granted from reVOLT towards the cost of a notice board.  It was proposed by Cllr Sampson and seconded by Cllr Buck that quotations be obtained.

Action: Clerk

15.  Community Caretaker

The Chairperson pointed out that a lot of the voluntary work undertaken in the village is done by residents in their seventies and eighties and done with the minimum of fuss.  She considered it would be advantageous to employ a caretaker for the village who could undertake the tasks and ensure that the village continues to be maintained to its high standard.

The pros and cons of such an employment were discussed including Zero hour contracts and Employment Law.  It was agreed to discuss the matter further in the New Year.

Action: Clerk

16.  Precept for 2019/20

The Clerk outlined the Analysis of Expenditure and Budget tables which had been circulated prior to the meeting.  After preliminary discussions it was agreed to leave the setting of the precept until the meeting in January 2019.  Cllr Hughes stated that the Playing Fields would be requiring more money in the future so as to maintain the play equipment in good order.

Action: Clerk

17.  District Councillor’s Report – matters raised included:

DC Sampson reported that he would not be standing at the next elections.  He had found his time as District Councillor very rewarding and he would welcome contact from anyone interested in standing as an independent.

SKDC have recently purchased property in Stamford and DC Sampson gave a resume of the funding involved.

SKDC have appointed an Armed Forces Liaison Officer.

SKDC are offering small grants throughout the district under the headings – Inspiration, Interpretation and Intervention.

He also stated that the style of governance had changed out of all recognition.

18.  Village Organisations’ Report – Village Hall and Playing Field Committee

Cllr Hughes reported that the firework display had been a great success and a small profit had been achieved.  Bob’s Bucket collected £462.31 plus 2 euros 50 cents.  The money collected will go towards the children’s play area.

Cllr Hughes was pleased to report that when the branch off the oak tree fell down it did not fall onto any houses.  He also reported on the insurance costs for the village hall and social club.

19.  Public Comments – the meeting was adjourned to give members of the public an opportunity to make comments.

20.  Matters for Urgent discussion

It was noted that the improvements to Lime Tree Close were progressing.

Cllr Morison reported that there is a problem with car parking at Ash Close.  One car had been damaged for the second time.

Date of next meeting – MONDAY 7TH JANUARY 2019 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.

The meeting concluded at 10.05 p.m.

November 2018 Correspodence

  • Scam mail in rural community
  • LALC News
  • Brochure from Glasdon
  • Brochure from Kompan
  • Sunshine Gym – outdoor fitness equipment
  • Best Kept Village Competition Results – emailed
  • Review of Polling District & Polling Places – emailed
  • Statement of Community Involvement from SKDC – emailed
  • Letter to Cllr Morison from LCC in response to request to repair to stile on Playing Field emailed
  • Grit Bin Filling/Requests for new grit bins
  • Parish Council Highway Grass Cutting – emailed
  • NALC/Plunkett Foundation – webinar taking place noon-13.00 on 13/12 – Rural Community businesses
  • Emergency Text Alert System – does the PC wish to participate?
  • HAGS 2018 Equipment brochure
  • Council matters from Came & Company – e-mailed
  • Safeguarding In the Community – Wednesday 28th November 2018
  • Application for Community Champions – e-mailed
  • Clerks & Councils Direct
  • British Red Cross – anyone interested in an Everyday First Aid Programme